I am tired of talking to other people instead of you.
Tired of trying to replace you for some time.
I am tired.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
You are the purest wish
Wanting you doesnt hurt
You not being here hurts
You not being able to come
When i need
When i want you
Whatever you do
Either you make me fly
Like a cloud
So peaceful and happy
Or you make me ache
Even if its a little thing
Because even little pieces
Of the brokenness
Can hurt baby
I know
Its not easy
Having the most fragile thing
I own
Thats why even little things
Can hurt, because its so delicate
It needs care
Sometimes you forget that
But you will learn
We will grow and come out
Of this
Because you know why?
You love me
I love you
As not in words
But also in a reality
That i know exist but i cant show
I cant explain
Wanting you doesnt hurt
You not being here hurts
You not being able to come
When i need
When i want you
Whatever you do
Either you make me fly
Like a cloud
So peaceful and happy
Or you make me ache
Even if its a little thing
Because even little pieces
Of the brokenness
Can hurt baby
I know
Its not easy
Having the most fragile thing
I own
Thats why even little things
Can hurt, because its so delicate
It needs care
Sometimes you forget that
But you will learn
We will grow and come out
Of this
Because you know why?
You love me
I love you
As not in words
But also in a reality
That i know exist but i cant show
I cant explain
Saturday, November 14, 2015
After a long time...
Hello fellas,
I have something big to tell actually. I have been really busy.
Yeah, so, i am living in Germany now. I am really happy about living here. When i take the metro or bus in the mornings, i always think "i am happy". Like the road fills me with joy, not sure why. Well, they are just vehicles and here's just a city, but makes me happy. I guess that's a good thing.
Anyway, days pass, i go to uni and hang out in general. These are my days... Sometimes happy, sometimes sad...
Also really sad about the things going on around the world. Just why? Why do people do horrible things? I wish we all thought the same or at least had the same moral understanding. It's just unbelievable, horrible, sick, evil...
I thought about my blog, like i totally forgot about it, but i thought about it now because i have been looking at the mirror and thinking "I dont even look like myself, am i?" And that made me want to write as always. The best way to get your thoughts out there. To express. I love writing, noone can judge, noone can answer back, because these are just your opinions on a paper, or on a screen in my case. Well of course some may judge but, not like the way when your friend or family judges you. Actually there is a difference between judging and expressing your counter opinion. And most of the people can't tell the difference. That's why...
I dont even look like myself
Am i?
Did i change?
Of course i did
But in a good way
I know
I hope
I am me
I know i am
As always
How i was
How i am
How i will be
There is just a lot unknown
About me
My thoughts
Yes i was different
But i had a mask
Now i am
I am.
How i want to be
How i want to live
How i,
How i want to,
Want to.
My self.
My choices
My free will
Don't you get that?
I am me
Just the me you have never seen before
The me i have been
The me hiding
Still thinking the same way
Still same inside
Just the eyes changed
The eyes that i see from
And the eyes that see me
I know hard to change a mind
Just try and that's, for me, enough.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Maybe i f'ing want to go with you.
Be with you.
Even if we are living in a dumpster.
Maybe i cant bear the fact you are still having memories that doesnt include me.
The fact that you are happy without me too.
That you are having fun without me.
When all i do is, try to pass my time, waste it.
That i just live.
Not enjoying the things i did before.
Not being able to have fun.
Being constantly bored.
Feeling stuck.
I dont know.
I dont know anything.
Not how to change this.
Not how to be like i was before.
I dont know.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Tonight(for me)
I couldn't sleep. Like i'm not sleepy at all, so what better way to spend this time than writing a blogpost.
First of all, hey, how's it goin'? Well, i'm fine, thanks for asking.
Just little things... I dont know why i'm moody like this. I can be super happy a full day then sad for a couple of hours. Then miserable for another day, then happy again. I dont know why i'm like that, really. Is it just me? Please tell me it's not.
I dont know if its because i expect things or i am afraid. Probably both, because they are related somehow. I know i overthink most of the stuff. That is a bad thing that i do and that i cant stop myself from doing. I try to reduce it, i have been successful about that. I think i'm doing better, not overthinking too much. But i still do it.
I say "just live your life for god's sake, just pass the time, you were perfectly fine, why arent you right now?" to myself. I cant seem to stop my brain from working.
But i think, it's because i'm afraid. I'm afraid that i will be so vulnerable that i wont be able to retrieve myself if something happened. I'm afraid that it wont be equally felt. I'm afraid that it passes away. I'm afraid that i get caught up in this and will be heartbroken. Because isnt that how it works? I dont know. I've never experienced.
I feel like i put the thing that needed to be protected at all costs, defenseless to a place that anything could happen, just like that.
Yes. I am afraid.
But i wont be wasting and passing my days like this because of that. Instead, i could be happy, because of various reasons. So many reasons. I am happy in general. Just sometimes... I'm scared.
Me, writing these here is also putting myself out there, shieldless. I dont know if i freak "someone" out too, by thinking these and feeling like this. I dont know how "someone" will think, feel about this. How "someone" will react. Am i too emotional or what am i? I dont know.
I was always like this. About little things as well. I think about some stuff now but i need to be thinking about them later actually. There's no point of me thinking about them right now, other than them making me sad or nervous or miserable.(i was like that about exams too) But one can not stop oneself from feeling things, and i also cant stop myself from thinking as i said. Maybe i have too much me time. I am usually alone.
Anyway. It got really bitter, that wasnt intended. I was just passing my time. But at least it is written now, it counts as its out of my system.
Have a nice time, you, whoever is reading this. Take care.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
I don't feel like finding a title for this, just enjoy.
Hello people of internet,
I salute you brothers&sisters.
I have been listening to music, lately a lot. Every night starting after dinner, till i sleep(which is like 2-3 a.m.) I have a really bad sleeping schedule but well, that happens sometimes. We all have that problem, don't we? Anyway, i want to share some of my favorites right now. I have a messy music taste, so i usually listen to all genres, i can't pick one, when somebody asks 'What do you like?' I'll be just like "ummm i don't know, tell me songs or artists, i'll tell if i know/like them? :) ) This usually leads to a long conversation, which i don't really mind.
I don't usually listen to this type, like 'on the rise', good looking, young, talented boy music. But i came across this on a playlist on Spotify. I enjoyed it without knowing. So here is one, i recently downloaded to my phone.
I didn't watch the movie, i'm sure it is good. I like cars but i haven't watched all movies in this series. My favorite is Tokyo Drift.(even though, yes Paul Walker isn't in it) And even though i wasn't really attached to him and didn't see the film, this song breaks my heart. And i was really upset about his loss. Then also i saw this post somewhere.

I got even more emotional. Rest in peace you wonderful man.
And i think, his brothers did an amazing thing by completing the movie themselves.
This song is fun to watch, fun to listen to, fun to sing. I have been obsessed since i heard it on tv. I really enjoy the rhythm and the music video. I hope you do too, stranger.
I love German. And i'm into Robin Schulz's remixes these days. So this is perfect. And i also like:
This song should get the "most random song" award. Just look at the lyrics. Well it could be a perfect demonstration of being high, i wouldn't know. I just enjoy the song.
And the last one i'm gonna share. I knew this song before, like i heard/listened to it before somewhere, some time, but i didn't know the name and artist. Again thanks to the Spotify playlist, now i can't stop playing and listening to it.
And i think this is the longest song i listen to. Because i usually skip to the next song after some time. But i listen to this from the begining to the end.
I hope you enjoy all these too and i hope i added some pleasantness to your life. Have a good day. Good bye for now. See you later.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
A little update
Just a little update of my life. I know i haven't been writing. And i'm terribly sorry about that, but i had stuff to do i guess, i don't really remember. I'm sorry, not just apologizing but also i'm sorry that i'm not capable of running a blog regularly. I wanted this to work but apparently i'm not qualified.
Anyway, back to the subject.
I just wanted to tell that i'm happy. Of course i get stressed over little things. I'm a student after all and i have exams. I used to be more chill about exams, now they kind of make me have anxiety attacks but i'll be fine. Everybody is going through something, probably worse things happen to people. It's unnecessary to feel like that when you have little obstacles in life. I can't help feeling anxious but I'm just grateful that i'm happy in general now.
My life changed in a positive way one and a half months ago. Thanks to internet. Not gonna write what happened, but i'm glad it happened.
Also i'm going to Hamburg to learn German in a language school. I'll be there for 3 months and i haven't been alone before, so it's a new experience for me. I'm mostly excited but a little bit terrified. Like a normal person would be.
What else.. Oh, brace yourselves, finals are coming. I hope i don't fail at any of my lectures. It won't screw up the summer plans but i'd rather not take the makeups. (they'll probably be harder than regular exams) Anyway, like i said it's a little update.
I hope everyone is good. Almost everyone deserves to be happy. See you later, not giving any dates, i know i won't make it. Till next time...
Just a little update of my life. I know i haven't been writing. And i'm terribly sorry about that, but i had stuff to do i guess, i don't really remember. I'm sorry, not just apologizing but also i'm sorry that i'm not capable of running a blog regularly. I wanted this to work but apparently i'm not qualified.
Anyway, back to the subject.
I just wanted to tell that i'm happy. Of course i get stressed over little things. I'm a student after all and i have exams. I used to be more chill about exams, now they kind of make me have anxiety attacks but i'll be fine. Everybody is going through something, probably worse things happen to people. It's unnecessary to feel like that when you have little obstacles in life. I can't help feeling anxious but I'm just grateful that i'm happy in general now.
My life changed in a positive way one and a half months ago. Thanks to internet. Not gonna write what happened, but i'm glad it happened.
Also i'm going to Hamburg to learn German in a language school. I'll be there for 3 months and i haven't been alone before, so it's a new experience for me. I'm mostly excited but a little bit terrified. Like a normal person would be.
What else.. Oh, brace yourselves, finals are coming. I hope i don't fail at any of my lectures. It won't screw up the summer plans but i'd rather not take the makeups. (they'll probably be harder than regular exams) Anyway, like i said it's a little update.
I hope everyone is good. Almost everyone deserves to be happy. See you later, not giving any dates, i know i won't make it. Till next time...
Sunday, February 01, 2015
Monthly Favourites / January
How have you been? I was fine, i guess, thanks for asking.
I had exams, and make-ups of those exams, woops, so i couldn't post that much. But here's my monthly favourites. Things i loved this month, and by that i mean obsessed with.
Book: Death Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton
I really liked the book, it was full of surprises and imagination. If you like supernatural beings, mystery and gods/goddesses, take a look at it, i'm quite sure you'll like it. Even though it was written for aiming teenagers i really liked the storyline as a young adult.
Series: Once Upon A Time
I wanted to start this series for a loooong time and this month i managed to actually start. And i wasn't disappointed at all. I love Princess/Prince stories but this is something else. Yes, it has lots of stories like that but if you watch just the first episode you'll see what i mean, and you'll probably be hooked already. I'm still watching the first season though.
App: Youtube
You all know i'm obsessed with youtube and watch it a lot. No need to comment on this.
And speaking of that;
Youtuber: Pewdiepie (Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg)
I love Felix. But this month he was extra funny and entertaining. I know he screams too much, and it's kind one of the reasons why he is so popular, but if you watch like 2-3 videos you'll get used to it, love him and laugh your *ss off. His rage videos will be the noisiest but funniest. This month he was really good.
Yet, he couldn't be in the best videos category;
Best Youtube Videos:
3rd: EXTREME MAKEOVER DIL’S HOME EDITION - Dan and Phil Play: Sims 4 #13 by DanAndPhilGAMES
This was so entertaining in soooo many ways. I love Sims, that's one reason. I love Dan and Phil second reason. It was so funny, third reason. You'll see what i mean if you watch.
2nd: Random Commercial Challenge by GMM
It looks a bit weird in the thumbnail but it was sooo funny. And it won the 2nd prize.
Now the ultimate winner.
1st: January by Jack Howard
Even though it was posted in the last days of January, it got the 1st place. Because it was funny but mostly sincere and full of life. I felt so warm inside while watching the last minutes. You'll see that they're celebrating Charlotte's birthday, the presentation of it though, it got me. Also it is called JackPMS and it was going on twitter for some time now, i think people who saw the hashtag JackPMS was very confused.
Song: Elastic Heart by Sia
I am obsessed with this song since i first heard and watch it. Maddie is really a talented dancer. And Shia Labeouf is a great actor, also a great dancer in this video. About the fuss giong on, it didn't cross my mind even a for a little that this music video shows or triggers pedophilia or pedophilic thoughts. I didn't understand anything of course, i'm not into dance choreography. But then at some point i cleary saw that this is a father/daughter moment. But when i did my research i learned that Shia and Maddie are both supposed to be Sia but in different parts of her life. But the choreography has traces of family matters. People just saw the materialistic/physical part of the video and thought "oh a guy who is dancing with a younger girl" Open your eyes and minds people, it's not about physicality, it's spiritual.
Last two favourites are my stuff. One of them is a notepad/mousepad and i really liked the look of it. Other one is a fragrance. My father went to Italy for business and he got me a perfume on the way back. I was not that obsessed with it at first but then, after using it a few times, i really liked the scent. Also i really liked the case of it, the bright pink is beautiful. (Even though i'm not a pinky pink person.)
That's all. Have a nice February, people.(and don't care if you haven't got a Valentine, you're wonderful on your own, just let it roll off ) See you later.
good mythical morning,
jack howard,
january favourites,
monthly favourites,
once upon a time,
shia labeouf,
Thursday, January 08, 2015
My Addiction
Today i want to confess something to the world. I know this myself but now i'll let everyone know it. I am addicted to Youtube.
I know there are people like me (right?). I know 'screens' are kind of our generation's addiction/obsession. But my addiction/love for Youtube is something beyond those.
I just love watching Felix (pewdiepie) being silly or scared and always funny. I love watching Zoe(zoella) and Alfie(pointlessblog) playing Sims. -since i love playing Sims myself i love watching them more- I love Marzia,Tanya talking about beauty stuff or just random things. I love watching Dan(danisnotonfire) and Phil(amazingphil) doing or talking about funny and awkward things. My first was Charlie McDonnell(charlieissocoollike), i was introduced by a friend. And that was the beginning of a lot more Youtubers(Chai,Tyler,Joey,Troye,Ray,FineBros...) and my addiction. And also i know it is kind of an escape from reality for me along with spending/wasting time. I also kind of learnt how to do makeup from Zoe or at least get into it. Because i was so lazy that i won't go to get water even if i'm dying from thirst. Soooo, yeah, there's that.
Anyway, i was talking about watching videos. When i watch Marzia, Zoe, Kalel; i instanly want to wear cute clothes and wear makeup. They make me want to be pretty even though i'll just be at home, chillin' and watching things, of course.
Youtube provides me to see the games that i can't play. I just watch a gamer play it and explore the game with him/her. I usually watch Cry and Pewdiepie play. They are both awesome. Actually Pewds is fab.
FineBros are two adorable brothers that do react videos, little sketch videos series. But i love their react videos. They sometimes have nostalgia, sometimes epicality (maybe i created a word), but always fun. They started a new channel named REACT and i'm sooo happy about it.
I.Just.Love.Youtube. I don't know what i did before it or what i'd do without it.
P.S.: Also people say bad things about internet. If you use it right, you'll find a family that understands you fully. And be encouraged. Because no matter what, no matter how much hatred is in it, there is lots of love. Seriously. You'll see more people sending love and support from their screens even if they didn't even talked you once or don't know anything about you or haven't seen your face. Believe me. I found support and love in internet. I hope you do, too.
I know there are people like me (right?). I know 'screens' are kind of our generation's addiction/obsession. But my addiction/love for Youtube is something beyond those.
I just love watching Felix (pewdiepie) being silly or scared and always funny. I love watching Zoe(zoella) and Alfie(pointlessblog) playing Sims. -since i love playing Sims myself i love watching them more- I love Marzia,Tanya talking about beauty stuff or just random things. I love watching Dan(danisnotonfire) and Phil(amazingphil) doing or talking about funny and awkward things. My first was Charlie McDonnell(charlieissocoollike), i was introduced by a friend. And that was the beginning of a lot more Youtubers(Chai,Tyler,Joey,Troye,Ray,FineBros...) and my addiction. And also i know it is kind of an escape from reality for me along with spending/wasting time. I also kind of learnt how to do makeup from Zoe or at least get into it. Because i was so lazy that i won't go to get water even if i'm dying from thirst. Soooo, yeah, there's that.
Anyway, i was talking about watching videos. When i watch Marzia, Zoe, Kalel; i instanly want to wear cute clothes and wear makeup. They make me want to be pretty even though i'll just be at home, chillin' and watching things, of course.
Youtube provides me to see the games that i can't play. I just watch a gamer play it and explore the game with him/her. I usually watch Cry and Pewdiepie play. They are both awesome. Actually Pewds is fab.
FineBros are two adorable brothers that do react videos, little sketch videos series. But i love their react videos. They sometimes have nostalgia, sometimes epicality (maybe i created a word), but always fun. They started a new channel named REACT and i'm sooo happy about it.
I.Just.Love.Youtube. I don't know what i did before it or what i'd do without it.
P.S.: Also people say bad things about internet. If you use it right, you'll find a family that understands you fully. And be encouraged. Because no matter what, no matter how much hatred is in it, there is lots of love. Seriously. You'll see more people sending love and support from their screens even if they didn't even talked you once or don't know anything about you or haven't seen your face. Believe me. I found support and love in internet. I hope you do, too.
Saturday, January 03, 2015
Thursday, January 01, 2015
Opening Credits
I just wanted to say hi and make a start. So, hi. My name is Selen and i'm the person behind this blog and screen. I'll talk about my thoughts here and i hope people will enjoy my writings and share my feelings/opinions about stuff.
This is my very first blog post. It won't be much of a thing but i could't wait to start running this blog. I got a bit impatient. Also my mother language is not English so i could make mistakes about grammer or some phrases or also spelling(even though i hate spelling mistakes but i'll try my best.). So go easy on me, will you? Thanks.
You can find me from my social media sites. I almost have account on everything but i'll put what i use the most, soon.
I hope you have a happy day. Bye.
(I'm really excited about this blog because i tried doing these but i'm kind of a lazy person so it didn't work out well then. But now I really want this to work.)
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