Sunday, February 01, 2015

Monthly Favourites / January

How have you been? I was fine, i guess, thanks for asking.
I had exams, and make-ups of those exams, woops, so i couldn't post that much. But here's my monthly favourites. Things i loved this month, and by that i mean obsessed with.

Book: Death Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton

I really liked the book, it was full of surprises and imagination. If you like supernatural beings, mystery and gods/goddesses, take a look at it, i'm quite sure you'll like it. Even though it was written for aiming teenagers i really liked the storyline as a young adult.

Series: Once Upon A Time

I wanted to start this series for a loooong time and this month i managed to actually start. And i wasn't disappointed at all. I love Princess/Prince stories but this is something else. Yes, it has lots of stories like that but if you watch just the first episode you'll see what i mean, and you'll probably be hooked already. I'm still watching the first season though.

App: Youtube 

You all know i'm obsessed with youtube and watch it a lot. No need to comment on this.
And speaking of that;

Youtuber: Pewdiepie (Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg)

I love Felix. But this month he was extra funny and entertaining. I know he screams too much, and it's kind one of the reasons why he is so popular, but if you watch like 2-3 videos you'll get used to it, love him and laugh your *ss off. His rage videos will be the noisiest but funniest. This month he was really good.

Yet, he couldn't be in the best videos category;

Best Youtube Videos:

3rd: EXTREME MAKEOVER DIL’S HOME EDITION - Dan and Phil Play: Sims 4 #13 by DanAndPhilGAMES

This was so entertaining in soooo many ways. I love Sims, that's one reason. I love Dan and Phil second reason. It was so funny, third reason. You'll see what i mean if you watch.

2nd: Random Commercial Challenge by GMM

It looks a bit weird in the thumbnail but it was sooo funny. And it won the 2nd prize.
Now the ultimate winner.

1st: January by Jack Howard

Even though it was posted in the last days of January, it got the 1st place. Because it was funny but mostly sincere and full of life. I felt so warm inside while watching the last minutes. You'll see that they're celebrating Charlotte's birthday, the presentation of it though, it got me. Also it is called JackPMS and it was going on twitter for some time now, i think people who saw the hashtag JackPMS was very confused.

Song: Elastic Heart by Sia

I am obsessed with this song since i first heard and watch it. Maddie is really a talented dancer. And Shia Labeouf is a great actor, also a great dancer in this video. About the fuss giong on, it didn't cross my mind even a for a little that this music video shows or triggers pedophilia or pedophilic thoughts. I didn't understand anything of course, i'm not into dance choreography. But then at some point i cleary saw that this is a father/daughter moment. But when i did my research i learned that Shia and Maddie are both supposed to be Sia but in different parts of her life. But the choreography has traces of family matters. People just saw the materialistic/physical part of the video and thought "oh a guy who is dancing with a younger girl" Open your eyes and minds people, it's not about physicality, it's spiritual.

Last two favourites are my stuff. One of them is a notepad/mousepad and i really liked the look of it. Other one is a fragrance. My father went to Italy for business and he got me a perfume on the way back. I was not that obsessed with it at first but then, after using it a few times, i really liked the scent. Also i really liked the case of it, the bright pink is beautiful. (Even though i'm not a pinky pink person.)

That's all. Have a nice February, people.(and don't care if you haven't got a Valentine, you're wonderful on your own, just let it roll off ) See you later.

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