Sunday, November 29, 2015

I am tired of talking to other people instead of you.
Tired of trying to replace you for some time.
I am tired.


You are the purest wish
Wanting you doesnt hurt
You not being here hurts
You not being able to come
When i need
When i want you

Whatever you do
Either you make me fly
Like a cloud
So peaceful and happy
Or you make me ache
Even if its a little thing
Because even little pieces
Of the brokenness
Can hurt baby

I know
Its not easy
Having the most fragile thing
I own
Thats why even little things
Can hurt, because its so delicate
It needs care
Sometimes you forget that
But you will learn
We will grow and come out
Of this
Because you know why?
You love me
I love you
As not in words
But also in a reality
That i know exist but i cant show
I cant explain

Saturday, November 14, 2015

After a long time...

Hello fellas,

I have something big to tell actually. I have been really busy.

Yeah, so, i am living in Germany now. I am really happy about living here. When i take the metro or bus in the mornings, i always think "i am happy". Like the road fills me with joy, not sure why. Well, they are just vehicles and here's just a city, but makes me happy. I guess that's a good thing.

Anyway, days pass, i go to uni and hang out in general. These are my days... Sometimes happy, sometimes sad...

Also really sad about the things going on around the world. Just why? Why do people do horrible things? I wish we all thought the same or at least had the same moral understanding. It's just unbelievable, horrible, sick, evil...


I thought about my blog, like i totally forgot about it, but i thought about it now because i have been looking at the mirror and thinking "I dont even look like myself, am i?" And that made me want to write as always. The best way to get your thoughts out there. To express. I love writing, noone can judge, noone can answer back, because these are just your opinions on a paper, or on a screen in my case. Well of course some may judge but, not like the way when your friend or family judges you. Actually there is a difference between judging and expressing your counter opinion. And most of the people can't tell the difference. That's why...


I dont even look like myself
Am i?
Did i change?
Of course i did
But in a good way
I know
I hope

I am me
I know i am
As always
How i was
How i am
How i will be
There is just a lot unknown
About me
My thoughts
Yes i was different
But i had a mask
Now i am
I am.
How i want to be
How i want to live
How i,
How i want to,
Want to.
My self.
My choices
My free will
Don't you get that?
I am me
Just the me you have never seen before
The me i have been
The me hiding

Still thinking the same way
Still same inside
Just the eyes changed
The eyes that i see from
And the eyes that see me
I know hard to change a mind
Just try and that's, for me, enough.